Organizing an Individual Educational Trajectory in the Process of Formation of Spelling Competence of StudentsPhilologists


  • Лариса Миколаївна Деркач
  • Руслана Степанівна Зінчук


individual educational trajectory, variability, adaptability, B. Bloom's taxonomy, practical tasks, educational result


The article deals with the use of B. Bloom's taxonomy in organizing the
individual educational trajectory of students-philologists while studying the discipline
"A Practical Course of the Ukrainian language". Different levels of educational
objectives proposed by B. Bloom are analyzed. These levels are knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. They are compared
with the expected results that students are supposed to demonstrate in the process of
mastering spelling and punctuation norms.
Types of activities used in creating practical tasks of the discipline are
structured according to the levels of educational objectives. Thus, the tasks of the first
level of complexity are aimed at knowledge, comprehension and application of
information (low level of taxonomy). The participants of the educational process who
do such tasks can obtain grades ‘satisfactory’ or ‘good’. Performing the tasks of the
second level of complexity which require students’ mental operations related to
analysis, synthesis and evaluation (high level in taxonomy), students can get good or
excellent grades. It is found out that performing the tasks structured on the basis of
such a system of educational objectives and results implies not only memorizing the
norms of the modern Ukrainian literary language, but also their use in practical
assignments, generalization and systematization of theoretical material, expression
students’ own opinions and decisions, making value judgments.
The specifics of taking into account the levels of B. Bloom’s taxonomy in
creating practical tasks in order to form an individual educational trajectory are
investigated. This educational trajectory is viewed as an individual way of realizing
the personal potential of the learners who themselves choose available tasks and
potential learning outcomes.
It is proved that the application of B. Bloom's taxonomy is related to achieving
variability in the study of the discipline. The structuring of practical tasks by levels of
complexity according to the levels of mental operations makes it possible to take into
account individual abilities of students and promote adaptability of the educational

Author Biographies

  • Лариса Миколаївна Деркач

    Деркач Лариса Миколаївна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри української
    мови Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки; ORCID iD

  • Руслана Степанівна Зінчук

    Зінчук Руслана Степанівна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри української
    мови Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки; ORCID iD





Українська мова в лінгводидактичному аспекті

How to Cite

Organizing an Individual Educational Trajectory in the Process of Formation of Spelling Competence of StudentsPhilologists. (2020). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 29, 141-152.