
  • Intercultural Communication
    No. 35 (2023)

    The main theme of the issue is intercultural communication. Separate sections are devoted to the problems of Polonistics, teaching philological disciplines. The traditional sections of the magazine contain articles of a theoretical and historical-literary nature.

    To scholars, lecturers, and students majoring in Philology.

  • Philology and Digital Technologies
    No. 34 (2022)

    The studios are made in line with the latest methodologies. A separate section presents investigations devoted to the implementation of digital technologies in the teaching of philological disciplines. The traditional sections of the magazine contain articles of a theoretical and historical-literary nature.

    To scholars, lecturers, and students majoring in Philology.

  • Леся Українка: особистість, нація, світ
    No. 33 (2022)

    The issue is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lesya Ukrainka. Explorations contain an understanding of the work of the writer, a representative of the family of Yuriy Kosach and a contemporary and friend of Agatangel Krymskyi, also a jubilee. Separate sections are studies of artistic texts, realized in various scientific and methodological directions. To scholars, lecturers, and students majoring in Philology.

  • Леся Українка: особистість, нація, світ
    No. 32 (2021)

    The issue is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth. The included investigations
    cover issues of drama and poetry, little-known moments of biography, comprehension and popularization of
    For a wide range of philologists and fans of Lesya Ukrainka.

  • Text Interpretation Issues
    No. 31 (2021)

    Студії виконано в руслі новітніх літературознавчих і лінгвістичних теорій інтерпретації тексту.
    Представлено теоретичний аспект проблеми та інваріантні моделі аналізу художніх творів крізь призму змін наукових парадигм, а також розгляд наукових текстів та інтрернет-контенту.

    Для науковців, викладачів, аспірантів і студентів філологічних спеціальностей.

  • Cover image

    Scientific and Methodological Achievements of Volyn Philology
    No. 30 (2020)

    The collection contains explorations of scientists – representatives of the Volyn philological school,
    university graduates. The studies were performed in a methodological manner, taking into account the latest linguistic and literary theories.

    For scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of philological specialties.

  • Ukrainian language in modern scientific dimension
    No. 29 (2020)

    The studies have been performed in line with the latest linguistic theories in the research areas of
    grammar, lexicology, lexicography, dialectology with a focus on the functional aspect of language through the
    prism of the diversified scientific paradigms, clarifying topical issues of discourse, language didactics,
    translation studies.
    The collection is addressed to a wide range of philologists: scholars, postgraduate and doctoral
    students, lecturers in the field of Philology.

  • Olena Pchilka in the Literary Process of the Borderline Area
    No. 28 (2019)

    The publication covers aspects of the life and work of Olena Pchilka (Olga Petrovna Kosach, from the house of Drahomanov, 1849–1930), as well as her contemporaries - members of the Kosach family, colleagues, friends - in theoretical and historical-literary aspects. Some documentaries are published for the first time.
    The collection is addressed to a wide range of philologists.

  • Полоністичні студії
    No. 27 (2019)

    Видання висвітлює різнобічну рецепцію польської словесності українськими науковцями, переважно представниками волинської школи.

    Збірник адресований широкому колу філологів.

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