Features of Practically Oriented Training for Teachers of Foreign Languages Based on the Example of the Implementation of Educational-professional Program “Secondary Education. Polish Language”


  • Yuliia Vaseiko
  • Nataliia Kasianchuk


educational process, students, graduates, interdisciplinary educational-professional program, practice-oriented training, teacher of Polish and English languages


The importance of practical component in the structure of the
educational process in the institution of higher education is examined in the article.
Scientific data were gathered at Lesya Ukrainka National University where future
foreign language teachers for secondary schools are taught at the specialty “014
Secondary Education (Language and Literature (Polish))”, which exists since 2016.
The specifics of training specialists who will not only speak Polish but also English at
the level of C1-C2, will know the methods of teaching these subjects at schools,
gymnasiums, lyceums are described. This guarantees them a full weekly workload,
which is especially important for educational institutions in rural areas. It was
analyzed that university graduates do not have problems with employment. During
studies students receive knowledge that is acquired during the study of the content of
theoretical and especially practical parts of training courses (including elective) both
in classes with local highly qualified teachers and invited professors and foreign
experts in the field of education and philology, famous translators and artists.
Students also improve their skills in the process of educational and professional
practices (linguistics, psychological and pedagogical) in the best institutions of
general secondary education of Volyn region, in Polish cultural societies in Lutsk.
The implementation of informal elements and dual education, distance learning,
student exchanges, participation in summer schools, methodical seminars, master
classes, international cultural and educational projects, scientific and artistic
competitions are also available for students of specialty “014 Secondary Education
(Language and Literature (Polish))" and they expand their career horizons. It was
found that the applied and interdisciplinary nature of the educational-professional
program "Secondary education. Polish language", which aims to organize studentcentered, problem- and practice-oriented learning through a combination of lectures,
practical, laboratory and individual classes, independent teaching, creative and
research work, practices, consulting with teachers, as well as elements of
extracurricular education, application of the principles of international mobility,
allows graduates to feel confident both in the professional sphere and in public life.
Graduates and future foreign language teachers are able to realize their rights and
responsibilities as a member of a free democratic society, to promote the ideas of the
rule of law in Ukraine, the importance of linguistic and cultural national identity, to
communicate effectively in Ukrainian language both orally and in writing using
productive communication techniques, to speak foreign languages and teaching
methods, work in an international context, promote cultural values of world importance.

Author Biographies

  • Yuliia Vaseiko

    Васейко Юлія Святоcлавівна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри
    полоністики та перекладу Східноєвропейського національного університету
    імені Лесі Українки, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5227-1097; jvaseyko@gmail.com

  • Nataliia Kasianchuk

    Касянчук Наталія Миколаївна – асистент кафедри полоністики та перекладу
    Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки,
    https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4421-6906; nataliakasianchuk@gmail.com






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How to Cite

Features of Practically Oriented Training for Teachers of Foreign Languages Based on the Example of the Implementation of Educational-professional Program “Secondary Education. Polish Language”. (2021). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 30, 177-185. https://volyntext.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/volyntext/article/view/951