Ad fontes: Methodological Provision of the Course “History of Ukrainian Literature the First Half of the XIX century”


  • Ольга Яблонська


history of Ukrainian literature of the first half of the 19th century; methodological provision; textbook; manual; reader; tests; review; encyclopedia; bibliography; dictionary


methodical provision of the course “History of Ukrainian literature in the first half of
the 19th century” is analyzed in this article. The diachronic section of the problem is
reproduced. Particular attention is paid to the role of M. Kostomarov's article
“Review of works written in the Little Russian language” (Molodyk in 1844,
Kharkiv, 1843) and O. Ohonovsky's study “History of Ruthenian Literature” in
4 parts (Lviv, 1887-1894). It is emphasized on the methodological basis of works of
such authors as I. Franko, S. Yefremov, Mykola Yevshan, М. Zerov,
D. Chyzhevskyi, textbooks of the Soviet occupation period, modern publications
edited by P. Khropko (1992), М. Yatsenko (1995, 1997), М. Zhulynskyi (2005),
О. Halych (2006), Н. Semeniuk (2009), authored by L. Zadorozhna (2004, 2008),
V. Antofiichuk (2009).
Occasionally, textbooks on the history of Ukrainian literary criticism are
considered in the aspect of methodology, which takes the period of the first half of
the 19th century, as well as anthologies presenting various methodological platforms.
The educational and methodical function of a number of publications was
explored in such genres as manual, textbook, lecture notes, tests, encyclopedia,
anthology. Attention is paid to volumes 3 and 4 of the academic publication "History
of Ukrainian Literature" in 12 volumes. Emphasis is placed on publications that are
freely available.
Particular attention is paid to various Shevchenko-studies publications (series
“Taras Shevchenko. Text and context”; publications that collected his lifetime
criticism; Shevchenko-studies of famous researchers; foreign Shevchenko-studies;
conference digests; “Shevchenko's encyclopedia”; bibliography; dictionaries of the
texts’ language).

Author Biography

  • Ольга Яблонська

    Яблонська Ольга Василівна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри
    української літератури Східноєвропейського національного університету імені
    Лесі Українки,;




How to Cite

Ad fontes: Methodological Provision of the Course “History of Ukrainian Literature the First Half of the XIX century”. (2021). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 30, 141-152.