Methods of Using a Film Adaptation in the Study of Polish Literature


  • Oksana Vyshnevska


film adaptation, interpretation, film interpretation, film education, film adaptation, discussion


The article deals with the film adaptation and the methods of its analysis in the study of Polish literature. The modern teacher has to make a lot of
effort to activate studentsʼ interest in literature, and to make the lesson interesting and
meaningful. The film adaptation is one of such means. Different views on this
problem are proposed by domestic (V. Vynnychuk, O. Muratov, L. Bryukhovetska,
S. Marchenko, etc.) and Polish scientists (B. Kosetska, B. V. Levytsky,
E. Nurchynska-Fidelska, I. Plisetsky, etc.). It is noted that the film adaptation helps
students to read the work in a new way and discover previously unnoticed beauty and
depth, provides a material for the development of figurative thinking. Through the
images and events they see on the screen, they can create their own opinion –
whether the writerʼs idea is true or false, whether the film characters correspond to
the characters of the work, or the directorʼs idea corresponds to the content of the
story or novel, what was omitted and what was added. Attention is paid to the
developmental, educational, cognitive and educational functions of film
interpretations. The main methods of comparative analysis of a work of art and its
film adaptation, advantages and disadvantages of film adaptations, are determined.
The essence of the concept of "film education", its main tasks and role in the
aesthetic education of the younger generation are considered. It was found that the
use of film interpretations in the study of literature makes classes not only more
diverse, clearer, but also more interesting, emotional and meaningful

Author Biography

  • Oksana Vyshnevska

    Вишневська Оксана Антонівна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри
    польської філології та перекладу Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки;




How to Cite

Methods of Using a Film Adaptation in the Study of Polish Literature. (2021). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 30, 72-83.