Formation of High Language Culture of Language and Literature Future Teachers While Studying the Subject “Spelling and Culture and Linguistic Competencies of a Teacher”


  • Iryna Melnyk


competence, cultural and linguistic competence, phonetic competence, orthoepic competence, accentuation competence, graphic competence, orthographic competence, lexical competence, stylistic competence, morphological competence, syntax competence, punctuation competence


The article deals with the formation of
high language competence of language and literature future teachers in the epoch of
the society integration into globalised space that requires from future professionals to
have dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, views, values,
other personal features, that shapes their ability to successfully socialize, carry out professional and further teaching activities. The subject “Spelling and culture and
linguistic competencies of a teacher” is included into the cycle of normative
disciplines of general directions in bachelor degree according to the educational and
professional program Secondary Education. The Polish Language and its purpose is
to train teachers with high language competence, ready to quickly react on
information and communication requirements of the society. Classical and modern
scientific, educational-methodological and reference literature, which is recommended to
work on, will encourage constant learning and self-improvement, questions for selfcheck will contribute to individual search of necessary information and creative use
of the gained knowledge in different communicative situations, it will form conscious
attitude to the state language, will approve the native Ukrainian word in all its
greatness of normativeness and perfection, will engage in cultural and spiritual
heritage of the Ukrainian people and humanity in general, will motivate to their own
reflections on the important statements of well-known scientists, writers, statesmen,
will allow to bring up the nationally conscious and spiritually rich personality with
holistic worldviews. The complex of skillfully selected assignments and exercises
will shape phonetic, orthoepic, accentuation, graphic, orthographic, lexical, stylistic,
grammar and punctuation skills necessary for successful realization of language and
literature future teachers’ professional activity.

Author Biography

  • Iryna Melnyk

    Мельник Ірина Анатоліївна – доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри
    української мови Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі




How to Cite

Formation of High Language Culture of Language and Literature Future Teachers While Studying the Subject “Spelling and Culture and Linguistic Competencies of a Teacher”. (2021). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 30, 62-71.