Formation of Cultural-Language Competencies of Future Language and Literature Teachers and Schoolchildren by means of Ukrainian Language Syntax


  • Oleksandr Mezhov
  • Oksana Mezhova


cultural competence, syntax, Ukrainian language, language and literature teacher, student, cognitive-semantic, communicative-pragmatic, intonationpunctuation, expressive-stylistic, discursive aspects


The article provides a comprehensive
analysis of the main approaches and tools for teaching the syntax of the Ukrainian
language in higher and secondary school, which contribute to the formation of
cultural competences of future language and literature teachers and students of
general secondary education. In the conditions of the renewed educational paradigm
proper formation of cultural-language competences of applicants of higher and
secondary education will be provided by integration of system-descriptive
(structural), cognitive-semantic, communicative-pragmatic, intonation-punctuation,
expressive-stylistic, discursive and other approaches while learning Ukrainian
language syntax with obligatory involvement of intra-subject and inter-subject
relations. The formal aspect of the study of syntax is based on the description of the
structural types of the sentence, its formal-grammatical structure, syntactic
connections and the main and secondary members of the sentence distinguished on
their basis. The cognitive-semantic aspect is based on the relationship of language
and thinking with extraverbal reality, as well as the cognitive function of language.
Students should be aware of the logical and semantic relationships between the
components of a simple and complex sentence. Intonation-punctuation aspect must
accompany the study of structural and semantic features of sentences of different
types, because spelling competencies are the basis of the culture of written speech of
the individual, and intonation competencies are the basis of the oral speech of the
individual. The communicative-pragmatic aspect of the sentence is directed to the
sphere of speech and is connected with the main function of language –
communicative. It involves the study of sentences types for the purpose of utterance,
their actual division, classification and structure of speech acts in accordance with the
communicative intention of the speaker. The stylistic aspect allows the use of
expressive possibilities of different types of sentences in the texts of all speech styles.
The study of the specifics of the formation of cultural and linguistic competencies of
students by means of morphology and word formation is promising

Author Biographies

  • Oleksandr Mezhov

    Межов Олександр Григорович – доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри
    української мови Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі

  • Oksana Mezhova

    Межова Оксана Володимирівна – викладач-методист вищої категорії, Волинський фаховий коледж Національного університету харчових технологій




How to Cite

Formation of Cultural-Language Competencies of Future Language and Literature Teachers and Schoolchildren by means of Ukrainian Language Syntax. (2021). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 30, 47-61.