When Petro Volyniak was still Chechet: the story"Lola"
the early period of Pytro Volyniak's writing and journalistic activity; pseudonym, story, composition, ideological and thematic features, "Life and Revolution" magazineAbstract
The purpose of the investigation is to analyze the ideological, artistic and
compositional features of P. Chechet's early story "Lola" (1932) (P. Chechet – the
autonym of the writer, journalist and editor Petro Volyniak). The methodology of the article is based on the cultural-historical method, which makes it possible to take into account the ideological parameters of the time, as well as to emphasize the gender aspect of the work. A comprehensive approach provides a holistic vision of Petr Volyniak's multifaceted activities.
The result of the research is the proof of the leading narratives of the text,
formed by Soviet ideology, in particular: collectivization as an expression of a new
way of management, the struggle with the traditions of the peoples of the East, the
emancipation of women. The main thing is the gender aspect, so the image of Lola is
in the foreground. Thanks to the influence of the Soviet city and education, she brings
the idea of liberating the women of the East to her native aul. The ideological
continuation of Lola's image is Tursyn, who grows out of her environment and opposes it; this is practically the only image that develops.
Didacticism in the content and straightforwardness of the plot, journalistic pathos, a clear division into positive and negative characters, unequivocal semantics
of images, symbolism of day and night are noted. The name of the main character
Lola, which means tulip, has a semantic load: the girl brought social renewal. And in
the epilogue of the story, a regularity is emphasized: after the appearance of Lola,
Kyzyl-Hurt took refuge in tulips.
It is noteworthy that P. Chechet emphasizes the role of words (Lola's campaign,
authoritative words of a fortune teller, father's curse, the words of Tursyn, who
continued Lola's case).
It is emphasized that the ideological conflict in the story unfolds on a personal level as well (Lola and father). The compositional features of the work and their role in achieving the ideological plan are considered. The song that sounds in the epilogue demonstrates the recognition of Lola as a national heroine.
The conclusions emphasize that, despite the socialist accents, the gender aspect
of the work - the idea of the emancipation of the women of the East - is consistently
implemented. The stylistics of the story confirm the regularity of the fact that
P. Chechet took place as a journalist.
The new self-identification of the author (pseudonym Petro Volyniak), due to the period of emigration, testified in literature to his worldview changes.
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