Teleology of medical knowledge in the prose of Olena Pchilka
image, character, heteropersonal narrative, scientific knowledge, medicine, scientific and artistic discourse, teleology, interpretation, philosophical-aesthetic generalizationAbstract
Using the example of Olena Pchilka’s prose works (“Chad”, “Comrades”, “White pussy”), the article highlights the writer’s contribution to the philosophical and aesthetic paradigm of understanding the role of scientific knowledge, in particular medical. As a personality of the Renaissance type – a poet, novelist, playwright, translator, publicist, literary critic, folklorist, ethnographer, publisher, editor, polyglot, public figure, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O. Drahomanova-Kosach belongs to the cohort of those Ukrainian artists of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, who turned in her works to statements about science, to the creation of images of representatives of the intelligentsia, made her unique contribution to the polyphonic nature of the formation of scientific discourse in literature. The purpose of the publication is to trace aspects of the functioning of medical discourse at the level of problematics, character-imagery and geneological systems, based on the analysis of Olena Pchilka's prose works.
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