Folklore records and folklorized stories of ElenaPchilka for children of primary school age: educational aspect




creativity of Olena Pchilka, prose for children of preschool and primary school age, folklore records, author's stories, folklore/folklorization, educational potential


Olena Pchilka is a famous Ukrainian woman who, at one time, proved herself in various types of scientific, publishing, literary and public activities, permanently inscribed her name in the history of national culture in general. Her selfless work, to which scientists are now returning after years of oblivion in Soviet times, should be properly  appreciated by Ukrainians. This year, there is a great opportunity to honor the writer with such research on her 175th anniversary.

Folklore records and the author's prose of Olena Pchilka, addressed to children
of preschool and primary school age, deserve special attention, as they contain a
powerful educational component, the plot is interesting for children. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to trace the moral and ethical potential embedded in the writer's prose for children of this age group. Considering this, the article uses the principle of textual analysis, as well as the biographical method, since the author recorded (folklore) and wrote her works primarily for her children, while at the same time taking care of all Ukrainians.

As a result of the research, the folklore intentions of Olena Pchilka's prose for children were revealed. She gravitates towards folk art in terms of plot and especially in terms of presentation style.

Therefore, at the level of folkloristic-literary knowledge, we can simultaneously talk about the processes of folklorism and folklorization in her works. This testifies to the writer's deep knowledge and understanding of folklore, including children's folklore, awareness of the extent to which the people's creativity has a powerful educational context.

Taking this into account and relying on the plots of Olena Pchilka's works, we can say that elementary school teachers and parents will find interesting material for reading and discussion in the lessons in the author's works, and in particular those concentrated in the collection «Enough, children, sleep!». This stories will not leave children indifferent and will contribute to the education of the best human traits and moral qualities in them: kindness, responsibility, human dignity, mutual respect, they will receive real lessons of social behavior.

Author Biography

  • Zhanna Yankovska

    Янковська Жанна Олександрівна – доктор філологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри культурології та філософії Національного університету «Острозька академія»


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Олена Пчілка: постать

How to Cite

Folklore records and folklorized stories of ElenaPchilka for children of primary school age: educational aspect. (2024). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 38, 7-20.