Subcultural markers of provincialism in the Ukrainian Polish-language prose of the post-Brest Union period


  • Svitlana Sukharieva


subcultural space, provinciality, polemical prose, period after the Union of Brest, Ukrainian-Polish borderland


Subcultural markers of provincialism in the Polish-language prose of the post-Brest Union period are traced in the works of Melecjusz Smotrzycki, Ipacjusz Pociej, Marcin Broniewski, Kasjan Sakowicz and other writers. The signing in Brest of the union
with Rome with the preservation of the eastern rite, the educational activities of writers in the secular and spiritual environment, the connection of central and provincial cities in the search for the unity of Christian creeds, the publication of the Bible in national languages etc were the main factors of their development.

It is f the Baroque period contained mainly positive connotations. The development of this literature presupposed the activity of intellectual environments focused on publishing and educational centers, monasteries, brotherhoods, metropolitan cathedrals and famous shrines in honor of the Holy Mother of God or saints. The theological and literary schools of Vilno, Kraków, Lublin, Ostroh, Lviv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Volodymyr and others were considered such intellectual centers. They were joined by intellectual centers of small towns that operated at monasteries and temples (Sokal, Derman, Zbarazh, Dubno etc.).

The author’s personality was a determining factor whether the area, where the author lives, will gain the glory of an intellectual, educational center. In general, thePolish-language polemical prose was distinguished by a harmonious combination of the concepts of the province and the center, which contributed to the development of a conceptual type of thinking.

The article aims to show, on the basis of examples, the lack of development of the provincialism syndrome in the baroque literature of the Ukrainian-Polish borderland, which marginalized many important literary works of those authors who were considered exclusively local. In literature, there was a shift of the center of gravity from the capital to the provincial areas, a splendid example of which is the development of polemical prose.

Author Biography

  • Svitlana Sukharieva

    Сухарєва Світлана Володимирівна – доктор філологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри полоністики і перекладу Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки





Соціально-історичні мотиви: особливості трактування

How to Cite

Subcultural markers of provincialism in the Ukrainian Polish-language prose of the post-Brest Union period. (2022). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 34, 181-192.