Studying the possibilities of determination in the achievement of the journalist's language competence



term, determination, linguistic competence of a journalist, semantic modifications, educational model


Scientific research aims tooutline the main directions of studying the phenomenon of determinism while working with student journalists. To accomplish the goal, several general scientific research methods were applied: interpretive, descriptive, systematization, and classification methods, as well as the system analysis method, which made it possible to trace the relationships between individual aspects of the work on the study of the possibilities of determination and the achievement of language competence of the future journalist.

Results. Based on the practical experience of teaching the course "Fundamentals of Terminology" to journalists students of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic," an original, innovative educational model is proposed, with the help of which they achieve the formation of a journalist's language skills, based on understanding the possibilities of determination. Four main aspects of the study of the determination process are singled out. The first aspect is mastering the researched problem's theoretical  foundations. The work's second practical aspect aims to form in students the skills and abilities to analyze how a term introduced into artistic or journalistic style changes and its impact on the relevant context, giving it certain semantic, stylistic, or emotional-aesthetic features. The third aspect - research - involves the independent processing of an artistic or journalistic text of your choice to establish the skills and abilities to analyze semantic modifications of term units of different levels of determination. The fourth aspect – creative – consists of the independent creation of a journalistic or artistic text on a topical subject using original examples of determinism.

Conclusions. Thanks to the application of the proposed methodology, the future journalist has the opportunity to artistically master linguistic means and achieve an expressive stylistic effect in order to have a vivid emotional impact on the audience.

Author Biography

  • Zoriana Kunch

    Куньч Зоряна Йосипівна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, завідувачка катедри української мови Національного університету «Львівська політехніка»





ІКТ у викладанні філологічних дисциплін

How to Cite

Studying the possibilities of determination in the achievement of the journalist’s language competence. (2022). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 34, 50-61.