On the issue of the place of Bruno Schulz in the Ukrainian cultural and artistic space


  • Natalia Matorina


Schulz studies, Ukrainian context, sociological research, sociological survey, factual information, content-factual information, evaluative information


The article publishes the systematized and elaborated results of the literary and sociological study of the problem of the presence of the world-famous Polish writer of the first half of the 20th century Bruno Schulz in the Ukrainian literary and artistic space. According to the representative sample of the study, it has been found that the name of Bruno Schulz in Ukraine is known to 896 respondents (45.72%), unknown to 1066 informants (54.28%); respectively, in Galicia, which is the artist’s small Motherland, Schulz is known to 183 survey participants (86.3%), unknown to 29 respondents (13.7%).

The outlined sociological research has been conducted for the first time and by the author’s own efforts with the advisory participation of professional researchers. The author has set herself the goal of identifying and analyzing the level of awareness among Ukrainians about the life and work of the outstanding artist, to understand how contemporaries perceive his heritage.

The theoretical basis of the research are the following: sociological methods - surveys through questionnaires, in particular, the use of Google forms; elements of the rolling survey; express survey; interview; oral survey, etc.; philological methods–biographical method, components of comparative literature studies, historical and cultural approach, etc.

The goal has been successfully achieved due to the clear performance of several tasks of scientific studies, such as: development of a program of sociological research, in particular, the outline of working and auxiliary hypotheses; organization and conducting of a sociological survey; careful analysis of the results; elucidation of the conditions and reasons for the actual presence of Schulz in the Ukrainian cultural and artistic areas, confirmed by the data of the social survey; formulation of conclusions and recommendations regarding the activation of Bruno Schulz’s further entry into the realm of Ukrainian culture.

The work on the popularization of the biography and creative heritage of Bruno Schulz on the all-Ukrainian territory needs to be continued and to some extent intensified, there are ready resources for this in Ukraine.

Author Biography

  • Natalia Matorina

    Маторіна Наталя Михайлівна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, докторант кафедри полоністики і перекладу Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки





Мова, література та фольклор пограниччя

How to Cite

On the issue of the place of Bruno Schulz in the Ukrainian cultural and artistic space. (2024). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 35, 162-181. https://volyntext.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/volyntext/article/view/1056