Analysis of the dramaturgical work in parameters of the time category (based on Lesya Ukrainka's drama "The Martian Lawyer")


  • Lyudmila Bondaruk Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки
  • Maria Moklytsiia


time category, chronotope, drama, sacred time, profane time


The article is about the need to distinguish the chronotope of a work of art into separate categories of time and space. This necessity arose from the excessive use of the category "chronotope" which expresses space-time
connections. Focusing on connections is erasing the field in the eyes of researchers, important means of text organization, for example structuring intentions of the temporal category. Especially important is the role of time categories in the structuring of the dramatic text. On the material of the drama Lesya Ukrainka's "Martian Lawyer" shows how the time category works in the composition of the drama and the formatting of the semantic fields of the doings. It is offered to use the time category as a research methodology, expressing hermeneutic, structuralist or psychoanalytical ideas. This is an innovative approach. The scientific novelty of the work also lies in the proposal to separate the time category from the chronotope concept; time category for the first time is used to analyze Lesya Ukrainka's drama "The Martian Lawyer". An important conclusion of the text analysis is the proof of the thesis that it is the category of time structures of the text. The events of the drama are placed in a day, according to the classicist rule of three units. The author also adheres to the combination of place and event. At the same time, the author achieves the effect with a number of symbolic techniques the openness of the closed classicist form. And the main role in this process plays images that are connected with time. Sun and water clocks are always in the center of the stage and are served by a deaf-mute slave. Hourly time measurement takes place as a solemn ritual action. In the notes of the drama and dialogues, a large part of the text is allocated to the description too much the loud and sharp sound of the copper board, with the help of which the slave reports about time for all residents of the house. The words "today", "tomorrow", "someday" are actualized in all dialogues of the main characters. Drama time gradually divided into profane and sacred. Among them are the heroes of the drama and make their choice between earthly and spiritual values.

Author Biographies

  • Lyudmila Bondaruk, Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки

    Бондарук Людмила Василівна – доктор філологічних наук, доцент кафедри романської філології Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки

  • Maria Moklytsiia

    Моклиця Марія Василівна – доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри теорії літератури та зарубіжної літератури Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки





Аналіз художнього тексту

How to Cite

Analysis of the dramaturgical work in parameters of the time category (based on Lesya Ukrainka’s drama "The Martian Lawyer"). (2022). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 33, 307-318.