Imbalance and Harmony in the Female Characters in D.H. Lawrence`s “The Lost Girl”



D. H. Lawrence, women's images, conflicts, ideas, feminist criticism


The problem of women's place in the community is exacerbated at the turn of the 19-h and 20-th centuries, that is reflected in literary works in the depiction of female images. This is due to the emergence of new views on the problems of women's existence in this period of time, that significantly affects the development of world literature. The voice of this era is very loud for one of the brightest writers of the 20-th century, who is also considered a key figure in British literature of this period - David Herbert Lawrence. He is a modernist writer who was not afraid to go beyond genres and highlighted the problems that prevailed in society and worried people. The aim of the article is to reveal the formation of Alvina's character in Lawrence's novel "The Lost Girl" on the basis of revealing relationships, the correlation between man / woman through the tools of feminist criticism. This aim determines the focus on the tasks: to identify conflicts in the plot circumstances, to understand the place of women in the English community 1-st half XX century.

D. H. Lawrence is one of those writers who are beginning to introduce images of women into the plots of his works, putting them in a dominant position. That is, the patriarchal system is being rethought, gradually receding into the background; the main ideas, themes and conflicts are now related to the woman, she is the central image of the work. We entered the aesthetic principles of D. H. Lawrence in the historical and literary process of the 20-th century, we traced the development of feminist landmarks in his works, we analyzed the author's creation of new key female images in the context of the novel. D. H. Lawrence portrays in the novel the peculiarities of the characters of different women, who in certain periods of life open up in a new way. From the numerous cohort of female images, he singles out emancipated views on life and desires of the main character, making the girl special, unlike others.

Author Biography

  • Anna Rohozha

    Рогожа Анна Олександрівна – аспірантка кафедри зарубіжної літератури та слов'янских мов імені професора Михайла Гетманця ХНПУ імені Г. Сковороди






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How to Cite

Imbalance and Harmony in the Female Characters in D.H. Lawrence`s “The Lost Girl”. (2022). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 33, 250-260.