Olena Pchilka and Lesya Ukrainka in Personal and Creative Interaction


  • Галина Левченко


creative personality, talent, values, creative self-actualization, Lesya Ukrainka, Olena Pchilka


In article has been reviewed leseknowledge topos
«complicated relationships» between Lesya Ukrainka with her mother Olena Pchilka.
The need to shift the accent in evaluating relationships talented mother and daughter
justified different from modern sensuality XIX century, educational traditions noble
class, unsteadily in the unambiguous definition genesis of neurotic symptoms.
Mother's role is emphasized in formation of creative axiology, in the education and
development of artistic daughter's talents, are given the facts of value support its selffulfillment like the writer and interpreter. Personal example mother, created by her
family atmosphere of creativity and self-education, secured by her early success
children's situations in literary and translation work, material support for their
development creative talents – that all important favorable factors that promote the
development of creative abilities. Relationships between mother and Lesya Ukrainka
passed the necessary phases formation of any creatively gifted personality: 1)
imitation; 2)cooperation; 3) competition; 4) focusing on broader values; 5) focusing
on your own values.

Author Biography

  • Галина Левченко

    Левченко Галина Дмитрівна – доктор філологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри
    українського літературознавства та компаративістики Житомирського державного
    університету імені І. Франка



How to Cite

Olena Pchilka and Lesya Ukrainka in Personal and Creative Interaction. (2019). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 28, 242-254. https://volyntext.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/volyntext/article/view/881