Structural, Grammatical and Semantic Specificities of Predicate in Prose Works by Zbigniew Włodzimierz Fronczek


  • Ірина Мельник


formal-syntactic structure, predicative relation, simple verbal predicate, compound verbal predicate, compound nominal predicate


The article deals with the complex study of structural, grammatical and semantic manifestations of simple, compound verbal and compound nominal predicate on the material of prose works by Zbigniew Włodzimierz Fronczek. The predicative relation is characterized against the background of the formal-syntactic structure of the simple sentence. The propositional nature of the sentence according to its formal and semantic features is investigated. Structural-grammatical and semantic manifestations of the verbal predicate are elucidated. A compound nominal predicate according to its semantics, structural and grammatical specifics is identified and described in detail. The status and functional-semantic features of verbal conjunctive components and auxiliary verb forms in the structure of compound predicates are determined. It is proved that in the analyzed works the most frequently used are two-fold sentence constructions, where the simple verbal predicate is fixed in the actual way, in the form of the past tense, rarely – in the form of present and future tense, occasionally – conditionals and imperatives. Among the compound verbal predicates, the most common are the infinitive and auxiliary modal words. Adjectives and nouns are most often used as a nominal part of a compound sentence.

Author Biography

  • Ірина Мельник

    Ірина Анатоліївна Мельник – доктор філологічних наук, професор кафедри української мови Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки; ORCID ID: 0000- 0001-5946- 0261;



How to Cite

Structural, Grammatical and Semantic Specificities of Predicate in Prose Works by Zbigniew Włodzimierz Fronczek. (2019). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 27, 118-130.