Works of Ukrainian writers of the diaspora: forms and methods of research work in the modern school




works of Ukrainian diaspora writers; research work at school; competition-defense of scientific works at the Small Academy of Sciences; abstract; theses; research project


The purpose of the publication is to consider the possible forms and methods of research work in a modern school based on the creativity of Ukrainian writers of the diaspora. The tasks of the research are united by the need to build a certain algorithm of cooperation between the student and the teacher, the formation of scientific communication. The theoretical basis of the article is based on a complex approach to the problem.

The result of the study is a vision of the importance of the preparatory stage, which
can take place in the form of thematic excursions to museums and libraries, in particular, the possibilities of such implementation for schoolchildren of the Volyn region. It is emphasized that the principles of accessibility and continuity, systematic work are important methodical aspects of the manager's cooperation with the student. The importance of the student's independent work is noted (thoughtful reading of works of art, work with literary research, creation of a scientific text). It is emphasized that academic integrity and scientific innovation are fundamental components. The student's path from writing essays, speeches during scientific or ceremonial events in the classroom and school to the presentation of achievements in the form of a research project, participation in competitions and scientific events of various levels, preparation of a joint publication with the teacher is outlined.

The role of a teacher in the preparation of a student research project as an experienced scientist and a wise mentor, taking care of his scientific and methodical development, in particular mastering new research methods, as well as establishing consultations with university teachers, is considered. In the study of the work of Ukrainian writers of the diaspora, it is suggested to intensify the microanalysis of the artistic text, to use the directions of comparative studies, and to involve the variety of memoirs.

The conclusions emphasize the methodical aspects of the cooperation between the
manager and the student and the principles of research work at the school.

Author Biographies

  • Olha Yablonska

    Яблонська Ольга Василівна – кандидат філологічних наук, професор кафедри української літератури Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки

  • Liudmyla Lishtvan

    Ліштван Людмила Михайлівна – здобувач освіти другого (магістерського) рівня факультету філології і журналістики Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки


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Науковці - практикам

How to Cite

Works of Ukrainian writers of the diaspora: forms and methods of research work in the modern school. (2025). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 38, 240-253.