Fedir Odrach's Prose in the Literary-critical Reception



history of Ukrainian literary criticism, literature of the Ukrainian diaspora, Fedir Odrach, foreword, survey, review


The article is devoted to coverage of the peculiarities of literary-critical reception of Fedir Odrach's prose in the diaspora.

The material of the research is multi-genre critical texts in the diaspora magazines "Young Ukraine" ("Moloda Ukraina") (Toronto), "New Days" ("Novi Dni") (Toronto), "Kyiv" (Philadelphia), dedicated to the works of Fedir Odrach, as well as prefaces to the works "Twitter" ("Shchebetun") (1957) and «The dawn glow» ("Voshchad") (1972). Thus, in chronological order, it is traced how in the diaspora literary-critical thought the problematic-thematic, genre-stylistic and compositional features of Fedir Odrach's prose are analyzed.

In Borys Oleksandriv's assessment of the story "On the way" (1954) the recognition of artistic skill in fine art is dominated. Vasyl Chaplenko notes the writer's artistic skill in creating dialogues, using humour and dialectisms; however, he believes that it is appropriate to separate the different genre and stylistic components of the work into two texts.

In the foreword to "Twitter" (1957), Borys Oleksandriv expressed reasonable considerations of the geopolitical plan, which explained the problems of inferiority of Polishchuks. In the review of book novelties by B. Romanenchuk, the story is evaluated negatively; in his opinion, the writer did not reproduce the psychological changes in the Polissya village, which arose under the influence of new trends of the time.

B. Romanenchuk also responds negatively to the collection of stories "Whistle stop out the village" (1959). Some texts created on the basis of real life, the critic considers successful ("Whistle stop out the village", "Tribunal", "Unsuccessful departure", "Charmed well").

The reviewer of the collection "The Abandoned Home" (1960) Anatol Galan categorically asserts uninteresting thems of stories and the writer's inability to create texts of short prose.

In the foreword to the first edition of "The dawn glow" (1972), O. Kopacz reflects on Fedir Odracz as a singer of Polissia and at the same time as a writer who cares about universal problems.

Author Biography

  • Olha Ryzhykova

    Рижикова Ольга Михайлівна – аспірантка кафедри української літератури Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки





Мова, література та фольклор пограниччя

How to Cite

Fedir Odrach’s Prose in the Literary-critical Reception. (2024). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 35, 197-212. https://volyntext.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/volyntext/article/view/1058