Krymsky's Lyrical Cycle «Nechestyve Kokhannia» in the Context of Modern Poetics



The purpose of the article is to reveal the history of the lyrical cycle «Nechestyve kokhannia» from the collection of poems of Ahatanhel Krymskyi «Palmove hillia». In particular, the analysis of ideological and semantic parameters and metric features of poetry became decisive, which will help to identify their modernist basis. So far, not all the features of the appearance of this cycle have been clarified - from the place and time of its creation to the addressee of the poet's confessions. Even the author himself constantly intrigues the reader by pointing out or denying the subjectivity of his writing. In general, A. Krymskyi seeks to distance himself from the emotions and feelings expressed in poetic texts. He hides behind pseudonyms, mystifying the lyrical hero through a real prototype. In addition, «Nechestyve kokhannia» combines original and translated works, which makes it difficult to recognize the original author's voice. From the time of the first publication, the quantitative composition of the cycle in reprints also changed. Initially, he had 27 poems, and in the final version already contained 30 poems.

The cycle «Nechestyve kokhannia» allows us to talk about Krymskyi as a poet of modern worldview and style. He declares a lyrical hero that is absolutely not typical for Ukrainian literature of that time. A hero who is ready to reveal himself to the reader not only in thoughts and experiences, but also in the secrets of his unconscious, which are usually hidden, silenced or disguised. A. Krymskyi's versification also deserves special attention, where he is also an original and skilled master. Even addressing Eastern themes, the author uses Western poetics. He actualizes the syllabic-tonic system of poetry, actively uses multimetric and nonclassical verse forms (ternary meters with variable anacrusis, transitive metrical forms, imitations of folk-song structures, etc.). Such a diverse metric structure of the cycle fully reflects the ideological and thematic specificity of the texts, the sources of which are in the disharmony of the restless poetic soul.

Author Biography

  • Olena Kytsan

    Кицан Олена Вікторівна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри теорії літератури та зарубіжної літератури Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки



How to Cite

Krymsky’s Lyrical Cycle «Nechestyve Kokhannia» in the Context of Modern Poetics. (2022). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 33, 75-89.