Ancient Prototext in the A. Krymskyi’s Short Stories: Types of Intertextuality



Connections with the ancient culture is a characteristic feature of A. Krymskyi’s small prose. Such types of connections have different manifestations, appear at various levels and possess diverse functionality. The article’s objective is to identify types of Intertextuality in the A. Krymskyi’s collection «Summons and Sketches», to trace the functions of Intertextual references to ancient prototext. Aims of the given paper are to create a typology of Intertextual realizations in the A. Krymskyi’s short stories, to define semantic content of code Intertextuality, to comment attributive quotations, explicit and implicit allusions from ancient prototext.

Intertextology, Comparative Studies and Hermeneutics achivements are the theoretical base of the research. Article reveals the code Intertextuality availability, expressed by nominative signals and words and phrases use from ancient Greek and more often from Latin. Code Intertextuality is combined with Paratextuality.

By means of code Intertextuality, ancient authors’ marked and unmarked quotes the following functions are achieved: character’s description, logic sequence of thought presentation, estimation, expressiveness intensification, creation of the ironic, comic, satirical effect. Since the text-across communication reveling needs recipient’s competence, the attention is paid to the reader’s intertextuality. Intertextual references functionality depends on the type of narration and they can perform characterological role (homodiegetic narrator) or express author’s position (heterodiegetic narrator). On the conceptually figurative and plot level the text-across communication with Aristophanes work elements is revealed. Agonality is a characteristic feature of A. Krymskyi’s short stories that is expressed by outer polemic and inner controversy.

Author Biography

  • Viktoria Sokolova

    Соколова Вікторія Альбертівна – кандидат філологічних наук, професор кафедри теорії літератури та зарубіжної літератури Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки



How to Cite

Ancient Prototext in the A. Krymskyi’s Short Stories: Types of Intertextuality. (2022). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 33, 90-112.