Conceptosphere of Yuri Kosach's Lyrics (Based on the Collections Manhattan Nights and Summer over Delaware



The purpose of the proposed investigation involves determining the main motives and figurative system of poems in selected collections "Manhattan Nights" and "Summer over Delaware"by Ukrainian poet-emigrant Yuriy Kosach.

Methods and techniques. Biographical, hermeneutic, cultural-historical methods, as well asthe method of intertextuality were used in the research process.

The results of this work made it possible to establish the existence of four dominant concepts (FOREIGN LAND, UKRAINE, ART, SOCIUM), within which a system of images of the poetic work of the writer. The concept of FOREIGN LAND, ALIEN becomes the embodiment of images representing certain locations, geographical objects: countries, cities, neighborhoods, etc. There are two types of main motives that embody this concept: a) pessimistic: homesickness, human indifference, loneliness and doom, fear of death abroad, callousness of a large foreign city, etc .; b) optimistic: the motive of searching for truth, truth, the motive of struggle and challenge. The author's embodiment of the concept UKRAINE differs significantly. Homeland is presented by the writer as a place of beauty and greatness,
and among the main motives are the following: pride in the native country, admiration for its beauty and majestic history, stability and revival. An important place in the poet's work is also occupied by the concept of ART, which is embodied mainly in the images of famous artists or characters of works of art. Leading motives are the power of talent, knowledge of the world, creative inspiration. The concept of SOCIUM is representedby the author in the images of representatives of different ethnic and social groups, the author describes them and thus embodies the motives of resistance to trials, anger and struggle, return to their homeland and so on.

Conclusions. The established images and motives of creativity testify to the reflection in Kosach's poetry of the peculiarities of his life, in particular the forced farewell to his homeland and life abroad, as well as his love for art and emotions of compassion and admiration for representatives of different ethnic and social groups.

Author Biography

  • Przemyslaw Lis-Markiewicz

    Ліс-Маркєвіч Пшемислав – магістр зовнішньої торгівлі, правознавства, англійської філології, української філології, адвокат, голова правління, Адвокатське бюро адв. Пшемислав Ліс-Маркєвіч, Познанське Товариство ім. Івана Франка



How to Cite

Conceptosphere of Yuri Kosach’s Lyrics (Based on the Collections Manhattan Nights and Summer over Delaware. (2022). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 33, 58-74.