Destroyed Photo, Injured Pages, Legendary “Katyusha” and Kosach’s Easter Guests


  • Alla Dyba


The purpose of scientific research is the need to identify
materials for biographies of members of the Frenkel family, who were once close
friends of Mykhailo and Larisa Kosach, search for facts, original photographs, origins
and ways of research, thinking about further research and analysis of possible and
real achievements. Study of memoirs, documents, epistolary and establishment of the
truth on the basis of available and for the first time searched in the process of
studying authentic sources. Critical verification of misinterpretations in well-known
publications on this topic. Communication with the descendants of Serhii, Jakov,
Yevhen and Zakhar Frenkel, history of this family, which gave Ukraine bright
representatives of the Ukrainian political nation (the Frenkel family includes Jews,
Germans, Poles, Russians, and Ukrainians), who were destined not only to make a
significant contribution to science, literature, pedagogy, and political life of their
time, but also to undergo a lot of radiation in pre-October and Soviet times, having
survived arrests, repressions, and some even executions. In-depth study of the
materials of the Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine and the Lesia Ukrainka Museum in Kyiv, important publications
of other researchers on this topic, encyclopedic and monographic publications.
Comparative analysis of the found elements of information accumulation and
involvement of these results in the expansion of certain details, facts, personalities
used with Lesya Ukrainka and her homeland, mutual friends - Kovalevsky - Degen,
Krokhmal, Kistyakivsky, Kartashevsky, Fotii Krasitsky and, among others, literary
circle "Pleiada". I am also talking about the stay of Kosachs in Kyiv, Dorpat (now
Tartu, Estonia), St. Petersburg and Poltava region. The story involves many
interesting, sometimes tragic episodes from the biography of the heroes, the
communication of their descendants with the staff of the Kiev Museum of Lesya
Ukrainka. Certain allusions to the creative destiny of Serhiy Korolyov (in plots with
Frenkel's son-in-law Ivan Kleimenov) and the unique Kyiv family of KosachKryvinyuk's friends Kobylkiv-Sydorenko are also involved

Author Biography

  • Alla Dyba

    Диба Алла Георгіївна – письменниця, науковий співробітник Інституту літератури
    імені Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України



How to Cite

Destroyed Photo, Injured Pages, Legendary “Katyusha” and Kosach’s Easter Guests. (2021). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 32, 261 272.