Expression of the Non-Clausal Variety in Prose Works for Children: the Temporal-Modal Paradigm and Stylistic Features




non-clausal sentence, expression, syntactic unit, communicative-pragmatic potential, functional manifestations of syntactic units, intention, narrative modality, affirmative modality, negative modality, interrogative modality, imperative modality, emotionality, evaluativity, expressiveness, language of prose for children


The article elucidates the features of the Kosach family’s gastronomic culture, using the letters and memories as the case study material. The food preferences of the family were formed in the traditions of national cuisine, however, the processes of food preparation and its processing had distinct regional features. Family practices of harvesting and processing fruits and berries (jam, jelly), vegetables (pickling), preparation of festive and ritual dishes (kutia), and cooking (cherry dumplings, cookies, pies) are defined as the tastes of home. The information about festive culinary traditions (Christmas, Easter) is essential in this context. The family changed places of residence (Zviagel, Lutsk, Kolodiazhne, Kyiv) but hospitality remained unchanged, as evidenced by the memories of parents' friends and children. The study findings argue that food was a significant element of intercultural communication in the family. The family members shared their impressions about new tastes experienced during travels. Over time, the tastes of home and foreign dishes were combined and established as favorites because, in addition to nutritional value, they conveyed various senses and encouraged reflection. Izydora Kosach-Borysova's recipes for "Grandma Lyzaveta's Borsch" and French dessert "Floating Islands (Oeufs a la Neige) are evocative illustrations for family gastronomic stories.


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How to Cite

Expression of the Non-Clausal Variety in Prose Works for Children: the Temporal-Modal Paradigm and Stylistic Features. (2024). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 36, 50-64.