Проблеми міжкультурної взаємодії у праці К. Сосенка «Культурно-історична постать староукраїнських свят Різдва і Щедрого вечора»


Ключові слова:

К. Сосенко, міжкультурна взаємодія, староукраїнські свята, Різдво, Щедрий вечір


The article examines the problem of intercultural interaction in folklore, in particular, using the example of the ancient Ukrainian holidays of Christmas and Shchedryi Vechir in the context of the scientific work of the Ukrainian Catholic scientist Ksenophon Sosenko «Cultural-historical genesis of the old Ukrainian holidays of Christmas and Shcherdo Vechora». The need to reproduce and illuminate his scientific heritage is emphasized, in which the scientist investigated the origin and peculiarities of the formation of the calendar of holidays in the Ukrainian tradition from the earliest times of the prehistoric period in connection with other cultures to the influence of Christianity with its modifications. The main goal set by the author is an attempt to partially reproduce the issue of intercultural interaction in the work of K. Sosenko regarding the formation of the ancient Ukrainian holidays of Christmas and Shchedryi Vechir in a combination of «self» with «other», that is, the mutual influence of traditions that have an extremely ancient history, require systematization of research, involvement of knowledge from various branches of science.

The main attention is paid to the methodology of K. Sosenko, in particular the way of formation and further transformation of the old Ukrainian calendar and its relationships with other cultures. Attention is drawn to the fact that the scientist K. Sosenko used the cultural-historical method as a basis in his works during the analysis of ancient Ukrainian holidays.

The result of the scientist's research were thorough works on the theories of the origin of ancient Ukrainian holidays, their antiquity and subsequent transformations.

The conclusions prove that K. Sosenko was a representative of the Viennese ethnological school, which is characterized by the use of the cultural-historical method during scientific research. In his works, he addressed the historical past of the Ukrainian people: its genesis, development in a diachronic manifestation, cultural connection with other autochthonous and nomadic peoples in their interaction. For most scientists of his period, it was characteristic to involve traditional methods of research and study of the past, while K. Sosenko put forward his own theory of the genesis of old Ukrainian holidays, which is based on the peculiarities of the aboriginal people with the influence of others on its formation and its subsequent transformations.

His scientific legacy is a significant contribution to the understanding of the processes of formation and development of Ukrainian holidays, in particular Christmas and Shchedryi Vechir, from the most ancient times (prehistoric times) to the present in intercultural interaction. The scientist's scientific views and conclusions are still relevant for modern Ukrainian folkloristics, opening new perspectives for further research into the culture of the Ukrainian people and its connection with other national traditions.

Біографія автора

  • Наталія Мельничин

    Мельничин Наталія Ігорівна – аспірантка кафедри української та зарубіжної літератур і методик їх викладання Тернопільського педагогічного університету імені В. Гнатюка, магістр






Давня література та фольклористичні розвідки

Як цитувати

Проблеми міжкультурної взаємодії у праці К. Сосенка «Культурно-історична постать староукраїнських свят Різдва і Щедрого вечора». (2024). Волинь філологічна: текст і контекст, 35, 276-291. http://volyntext.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/volyntext/article/view/1077