The Linguistic Situation and Language Policy in Ukraine: Roadmap for the practical class in the educational component" Ukrainian Language for Professional Purpose".




national-linguistic personality, language tolerance, language legislation, language border, state-forming function of language, nation-forming function of language


The term roadmap has recently entered our lexicon, especially in the context of planning and implementing various projects. It is a detailed plan of action that defines the sequence of steps necessary to achieve a formulated goal. In the field of education, a roadmap is a kind of а guide for a scientific and pedagogical employee and a student, which helps to organize the learning process effectively. The purpose of the article is to share the experience of developing and conducting a practical lesson on a relevant topic, as well as to stimulate scientific and methodical discussions on effective methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in a professional context. Methods: pedagogical experiment, observation and recording, analysis of the obtained data, generalization.

Results. In the article, the term ‘roadmap of a practical class’ is understood as a
methodological tool aimed at ensuring the systematicity, logical consistency, and
interactivity of the educational process. It includes a description of all components of the lesson: from the formulation of the goal and the definition of expected results to instructions for completing tasks and assignments. The study is based on materials for creating the roadmap for the topic "Language Situation and Language Policy in Ukraine", which is one of the first in the list of topics for practical classes of the
educational component "Ukrainian Language for Professional Purposes". It provides for revealing key aspects of the Ukrainian language functioning in society, to form students' national-linguistic consciousness, and to develop their ability to critically evaluate linguistic phenomena.students' national-linguistic consciousness, and to develop their ability to critically evaluate linguistic phenomena.

The proposed roadmap serves as a tool for creating a modern educational
environment that ensures the active participation of  students in the learning process. Emphasis is laid on the development of critical thinking, the formation of linguistic stability, national-linguistic consciousness, and the awareness of the  importance of the Ukrainian language as the state language in professional and everyday activities.

Conclusions. The study's methodical findings contribute to the upbringing of a
responsible position regarding language processes, which is important for the preservation of national identity and the harmonious development of society.

Author Biography

  • Tetiana Tarasiuk

    Тарасюк Тетяна Миколаївна – кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри історії та культури української мови Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки


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How to Cite

The Linguistic Situation and Language Policy in Ukraine: Roadmap for the practical class in the educational component" Ukrainian Language for Professional Purpose". (2025). Volyn Philological: Text and Context, 38, 254-269.