van Denysyuk on Olena Pchilka (Reception of Reception).
Ivan Denysyuk, Olena Pchilka, reception, biography, dynastic methodological approach, aristocracy of spirit, short prose, folklore materialsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to elucidate the cultural-historical, theoretical-
methodological, bibliographic, biographical, and receptive significance of Ivan
Ovksentiyovych Denysyuk’s literary and folkloristic works dedicated to the life and
creative path of Olena Pchilka. In line with this goal, the research methodology
employed elements of cultural-historical, bibliographic, biographical, comparative,
hermeneutic, and receptive methods.
As a result of the study, the ideas presented in Ivan Denysyuk’s various works
regarding the significance of Olena Pchilka’s contribution to the development of
national literature and literary studies, folklore studies, pedagogy, politics, and
Ukrainian studies as a whole have been summarized, systematized, and analyzed.
Special attention is given to the theoretical-methodological foundation of Denysyuk’s
scholarly works, particularly the method of dynastic study of the cultural heritage of
the Drahomanov-Kosach family, with a focus on Olena Pchilka’s role and significance in the family upbringing of gifted children who laid the foundations of Ukrainian aristocracy, formed the core of national identity and elitism, and became
key figures in the development of our culture.
The article also highlights the shared scientific interests (particularly in the field
of folklore studies) of Ivan Denysyuk and Olena Pchilka. The literary studies of
Denysyuk, dedicated to the short prose of Olena Pchilka, are analyzed. A
comparative analysis of the cultural-historical context of the works of Ivan Denysyuk and Olena Pchilka is conducted. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of a holistic perception of the axiological judgments regarding Olena Pchilka’s contribution to the development of the Ukrainian cultural process, as presented in various scientific works by Ivan Denysyuk. The bibliographic, source-study, and
historiographical significance of Denysyuk’s works on the cultural heritage of Lesya
Ukrainka’s mother is revealed. The axiometric relevance of Olena Pchilka’s creative legacy and its reception in Denysyuk’s scholarly works is emphasized. The didactic and methodological relevance of both Olena Pchilka’s cultural heritage and its scholarly reception in Denysyuk’s works is underscored.
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