Feminist aspects of the life stories of Eliza Orzeszkowa and Olena Pchilka
The purpose of the publication is to determine the origins of feminist views based on specific facts from the biographies of Ukrainian Olena Pchilka and Polish Eliza Orzeszkowa.
The results. In the 19th century, views on the role and place of women in family and society began to change radically. It is outlined that these changes start with family upbringing, which, according to both writers, plays a crucial role in preparing girls for adult life, laying the foundation for the realization of their personal needs and desires, and developing a clear civic position. An important role in this process is assigned to the mother, who should contribute to teaching her daughter not only good manners, crafts, singing, and dancing but also to cultivate a love for the native language and respectful attitude towards folk traditions. It is clarified that in the family of the Dragomanovs, the role of women and mothers went beyond the traditional boundaries of patriarchal society. Olena Pchilka is a vivid example of a new woman-mother, a woman-citizen.
It is determined that the lack of understanding with her mother prompted Eliza Orzeszkowa to pay much attention to family issues and its role in shaping the next generations of Poles, giving rise to the conviction that the fate and future of the nation are in the mothers’ hands. A woman-mother should not forget that having a family is not just a privilege, but above all a duty. On her shoulders lies the burden of raising the next generations, and therefore, the responsibility for the fate of future Poland. It is noted that for the full fulfilment of these functions, women lack appropriate education, knowledge in solving household problems, and financial independence since women cannot realize themselves in many professions.
The conclusions emphasize that the personal life experience of Olena Pchilka and Eliza Orzeszkowa influenced the formation of feminist views in them, which undermined patriarchal notions of women and their purpose.
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